Home Authors Posts by Margie Sue

Margie Sue

Margie Sue
My name is Margie Sue Brogdon. I’ll be the co-moderator and main contributor to skullgal.com. If you have any questions about this site please contact me and let me know. I’ll be happy to help.

Awesomely Gruesome Skull Products on Amazon

Skulls are on everything nowadays. Here are some skull products that you can find on Amazon that will fit your style and decor.

Are You Afraid of Cemeteries?

Cemeteries are scary places for some people. Others think they're a great place to walk around in. What do you think of cemeteries?

Ghost Hunting Equipment from Amazon

Ghost hunting equipment doesn't have to be hard to find. Since ghost hunting is becoming more popular, we thought we'd take a look at what Amazon has to offer.

Recognizing After-Death Communication From A Loved One

We wish we could hear from a deceased loved one once more. Those we lose can sometimes engage in after-death communication with us. We Think

Skull Symbolism: What Does a Skull Symbolize?

We're going to take a look at skull symbolism. We will try to give you some idea of the skull symbol and what it means throughout time.

Psychic Experiences First Time Stories

Psychic experiences from people just like you are good to hear about.  Read on to hear some of these stories and meet the people at Skull Gal.